Wednesday, 18 March 2009

Elephants breeding herd

Wildearth cam,

This breeding herd was the same we saw few days before at the first night drive. The colared elephant cow was between them ..

Baby elephant

Wildearth cam,

Atistic pic of Crested Francolin - Peliperdix sephaena

Wildearth cam,

Southern White-crowned Shrike - Eurocephalus anguitimens

Wildearth cam,

Dwarf Mongeese

Wildearth cam,

Golden Orb Spider

Wildearth cam,

Lilac breasted Roller- Coracias caudata

Wildearth cam,

Woodland kingfisher - Halcyon senegalensis

Wildearth cam,


Wildearth cam,

Chacma baboons

Wildearth cam,

Peregrine - Falco peregrinus - Πετρίτης

Vogelbescherming Nederland,

There are already two eggs at the nest